June 3 - Sept 9 - Nutritional Herbalism: Traditional Foods & Wild Plant Cuisine (3-Month Course)

from $1,250.00

June 3 - Sept 9

Wild nutritional herbalism is the oldest form of healing on the planet. This medicine originates before the science of modern-day nutritional chemistry. This course will help you understand plant science. Learn how to apply plants to create healthy culinary arts for yourself, your family, and your friends.

Plant nutrition is also a science of bringing awareness to our actions: how and what we tend to our food, spices and herbal teas, how we eat them, how we live, what we think, and how we relate intimately with the plant world and ourselves.

Practically, we will explore the influence of the vital energies of foods, spices, and herbs on our well-being. Nutritional medicine is a compassionate journey of self-discovery. It provides you with the tools to become your healer. Every plant we take into our bodies influences who we are and what we will evolve.


Price: Early-Bird: $1250 (One Month before the Course)
Regular price is $1500
Plus HST tax

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More information:

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from $150.00
July 10 - Sept 25 - Energetic Medicine: Wisdom of the Elements (3-Month Course)
from $1,250.00
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Nov 30 - Dec 1 - Shamanu: Journey into Sacred Silence
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