Shantree and Lorenna are passionate individuals who foster sustainable living practices and promote wholistic wellness. Their combined expertise, profound connection with nature, and commitment to empowering individuals have made them influential figures in regenerative living and personal and spiritual growth.

Shantree and Lorenna, the visionary minds behind The Living Centre, have spent decades cultivating a deep understanding of the interconnections between humans and the natural world. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they have developed diverse transformative programs, workshops, and mentorships to inspire positive change in people's lives and foster a harmonious relationship with the Earth.

Shantree is a seasoned practitioner of Permaculture, an Ayurvedic Nutritionist, a Therapeutic & Shamanic Herbalist, a Constitutional Consultant and a Forest Garden Practitioner. He brings a wealth of wisdom and practical skills to their teachings. His innate ability to perceive nature's intricate patterns and cycles has allowed him to design sustainable systems that regenerate the land and nourish communities. Shantree empowers individuals to create regenerative environments, gardens and lifestyles through his teachings.

Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera is an Earth ceremonialist and Métis grandmother.  For 35 years, she has tended, embodied and stewarded the inter-arts languages she calls Shamanu: Earth-Wisdom Teachings and WomanEarth. Lorenna is a certified Permaculture educator, a Work That Reconnects guide, an Ayurvedic living nutrition and Sevenfold Path of Peace instructor, and an eco-spiritual lifestyle guide. Lorenna weaves Eco-philosophy and cosmogenesis with Eco-somatic embodiment processes to awaken in us the spiritual force that enlivens the natural world and oneself.  

Shantree and Lorenna have created an immersive and transformative learning experience at The Living Centre. Their collaborative efforts have fostered a community that embraces sustainable living, reconnects with the natural world, and nurtures personal well-being.

Their unparalleled expertise and unbridled passion for the past 50-years each have significantly contributed to promoting regenerative living practices. Their exceptional work has brought about a positive shift in our way of life, and their contributions serve as a beacon of hope for a healthier and more resilient future..

Click here to learn more about Shantree.

Click here to learn more about Lorenna.