Greetings & Updates

A warm greeting on this beautiful day,

It’s been a full and exciting winter season with the launch of our new website and the gathering of folks who will be an active part of The Living Centre this year. It’s great to have them here to offer those who come to their guidance, expertise and mostly, their friendship.

On the horizon for this year is our new ‘Earth Lodge’ (still in process), new ponds, a native plant medicine trail, of course, the 7-month Mentorships, which we both feel so grateful to offer and much more.  It feels like a dynamic year full of the unexpected and the magical. A calling to listen openly and learn to ‘trust the process’ at a much deeper level than what we have known is guiding our choices. Can you feel how the calling to change, transform and claim your path of service to the beautiful Earth community – our home.  And joyfully participate in creating the new paradigm of inter-being. These are exciting times to be alive.

Jayme, Daniel and their two little ones Norman and Archer who are creating the ‘Forest Garden Farmacy’ in our one-hectare pear orchard, and Jolanta Dabrowski our beekeeper and workshop guide, are all getting ready for the arrival of Spring. We are so grateful for the love and dedication each one gifts the community. And of course, the one who has made this new website possible (after 2 years of us working with another company), Zhyfhs Millicent – who will also be taking over much of the PR projects and helping us add items to our online store. Thank you Zhyfhs.

We welcome them and many others who bring their love and creative beauty, such as those participating in the Sacred Theatre offerings for our upcoming Spring Equinox on March 21st. It will be a rousing celebration! Please join us.

Youth Earth Stewards – Y.E.S. Scholarship Program – We have initiated a fund to support young adults – ages 18 to 26 – who want to participate in the programs, particularly our 3-week Sevenfold Path Residential Apprenticeship program. The 6 participants will immerse themselves into every aspect of life at the Centre – from Forest Gardening, harvesting, seed saving, wild-crafting, deep nature connection through the Shamanu practices and teachings, the art and science of organic Live-food Nutrition, community building and much, much more.  We invite you to donate any amount you can to support these future leaders in their educational journey.  Thank you!

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing the abundance of heart and the fruits of the land.

In Kinship,

Lorenna & Shantree

Founders & Directors of TLC


Dandelion Spicy Chai Root Tea


The “Not Enough” Syndrome